新知專欄 |
澳洲的Martin Dougiamas創始了Moodle學習教材管理系統(Content Management System)。Moodle是Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment(模組化物件導向動態學習環境)的縮寫,功能上具備課程管理、教材下載、線上作業、課後互動等功能,教師可透過Moodle管理課程教材,並將課程大綱、多媒體數位教材、或網路資源及參考資料等上傳,讓教學內容及型態更為豐富,並便利教材內容的取得與重複利用。本校於98年4月建置完成Moodle數位學習平臺,並編修功能與本校教學需求更為貼切,以及操作上更親切、友善,本期電子報特邀資訊中心數位推廣組汪組長耀華介紹本校Moodle數位學習平臺的特色。<詳全文>
Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is written by Martin Dougiamas, to act as a content management system for the classes take place in the cyberspace. Depends on the role of the users, users can share interactions with each others; information could be uploaded, managed, shared on the same platform. NTNU has being using Moodle as one of the primary education tools. Mrs. Wang, section chief of the digital technology application department, to introduce us the Moodle Learning Platform.
PowerPoint 2003首張空白,已查出解決方法! |
近日接獲許多使用者反應,使用PowerPoint2003開啟投影片範本出現錯誤訊息,並造成第一頁圖像呈現空白。經查證是Microsoft的Office資訊安全更新影響所及,解決方法為移除Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003資訊安全更新。<詳全文>
After we investigated users' claim that NTNU’s PowerPoint2003 template is not usable, we discovered the problem was introduced with one of the Microsoft Office Security patches. To resolve the problem, we have to remove the security update.
自然輸入法列入本校校園通用軟體行之有年,旗艦版又升級為V9.2最新版,乃愛用者的福音。自然輸入法旗艦版與Windows 7 32/64位元作業系統完全相容,其詞庫記憶讓輸入速度快,並提供觸控螢幕直接輸入,以及打字發音與整篇文稿發音等功能,方便閱讀障礙者朗讀文章。本校教職員生若需安裝敬請上網下載。<詳全文>
Natural input software ultimate edition is upgraded to V9.2. The new version provides a touch screen (tablet) input method, improved core features, and most importantly, full compatibility to Windows 7 32/64 bit edition.
Moodle數位學習平臺入門研習,5月10日加開一班! |
Due to high demand of Moodle introductory class, we will host another class on May 10th, Tuesday 9:30-12:00. The class will go over topics such as course settings, create a file, place the program files, create jobs, open forum, send messages, teachers are welcome to apply.
We will be conducting a social engineering drill against the administrative staff in the university. Anyone who opened the test email will be recorded please be cautious with your email messages.
經濟部智慧財產局從2011年3月20日起至6月30日止辦理「2011臺港兩地短片由我創製作大賽」,組別分為社會組、大專校院組及高中組,優勝隊伍可獲得豐盛獎金或獎品,相關活動訊息請洽活動網站。<詳全文>Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs hosted a video clip competition. The duration of the competition is between March 20, 2011 until June 30. The video subject is to promote respect to intellectual property rights; the winners will receive generous bonuses or prizes. For detailed event information, please contact the campaign website, http://www.myvideo-competition.com/.
ITC awards Luen Ping (En-Ping Lu), a sophomore student from the department of chemistry as the ITC’s best employee for April 2011. Mr. Lu is promoted to the supervisor rank and his active participation in administrative support and sharing his experience with others is good examples for others to follow.