
現代人的日常生活作息似乎愈來愈離不開App。App是Application 的簡稱,在電腦的領域中,它是指一個小型的應用程式,通常可從行動應用程式商店下載,以滿足食衣住行育樂等各種層面的需求。只要有創新、實用的小點子,透過免費的App開發工具,即能化為行動裝置上的貼心服務。因應此一發展趨勢,以及響應本校辦理第二屆校園App行動應用程式設計比賽活動,本期電子報特別邀請教學服務組資深程式設計師陳明芳先生,簡介手機App的製作新趨勢。<詳全文>
App (abbreviation for application) has been integrated into the everyday life of modern people. Apps such as games and applications that satisfy various needs from eating, housing and shopping are widely available for download from the mobile app store. Free app development tools are available for people to develop mobile apps with their innovative and practical ideas. In response to the recent application development trend, NTNU will be organizing the second app design competition. The newsletter has invited senior designer, Chen Ming-Fang from ITC services group to introduce the direction of mobile app design.

啟動App競賽宣傳   學生組隊報名從速

Registration for the second mobile app design competition has started and students are welcomed to register in teams. Teams are in groups of 1~3 and will be categorized into educational application group and non-educational application group. An introduction will be organized in December and more related news and information will be available on the website http://bestapp.ntnu.edu.tw.

有聲解說儲存雲    StarBox瞬間上手

NTNU’s cloud storage service, StarBox, has been updated with an additional feature. StarBox now allows users to authorize multiple people to edit documents which greatly enhance the efficiency of working on StarBox. ITC has offered video guides to familiarize StarBox users with the StarBox features in a more convenient way. The video guides are seperated into “NTNU StarBox guide” and “Agent installation and introduction to Agent”. These videos will be 1~2 min long and provide steps to learning Agent and StarBox. For more information, refer to the website http://StarBox.ntnu.edu.tw.

無線網路整合認證  跨越系統無感通行

過往師生跨越不同的無線網路系統,需重新多次認證而感不便,本中心於公館校區實施認證系統整合並經測試成功,使用者認證一次即可通行校園 ,近期將推展至校本部及林口校區。<詳全文>
ITC has integrated all WIFI systems to remove the inconvenience of user authorization when accessing different WIFI systems across the Gong Guan campus. Accessing all WIFI systems will now be reduced to one user authorization procedure. Testing proved the integration to be a success and the integration will be performed across the main campus and Linkou campus.

資訊安全首次健檢  加強意識建立防護

行政單位資訊安全健檢服務首次進行,各單位健檢結果,較常發生的問題分有電腦事務及一般事務兩類。電腦事務有系統密碼設定不符安全、Windows系統未進行更新、未裝電腦防毒軟體或過期、網路印表機未設密碼或未限制網段,這些問題均存有入侵與資訊外洩的高風險。一般事務需待改善的是將有個人敏感資料的紙張丟置於資源回收箱,以及重要個資文件放置於單位公共區域等。<詳全文> NTNU ITC has performed a security check for the first time. Security checks have shown that the most common security problems can be categorized into computer usage and colleague’s conduct. Computer usage includes weak password, disabled Windows Update, lack or outdated anti-virus software, public accessible network printers without password protection. These problems have high risks of data leakage and hacker intrusion. Colleague’s conduct requires improvement in actions such as dumping sensitive data into the recycling bin and placing important data in public network folders.

學業成績單廢除操行  分數等第證明開放列印

In response to the removal of conduct grades from transcripts starting from the 2013 school year, all students can print their conduct grades and academic grading certificate at various e card service station in gongguan campus.

新版校園授權軟體  系所教學研究兩相宜

購進LabVIEW圖控程式語言軟體校園版授權,將提供系所光碟片以利安裝於校區內教室、研究室、實驗室場所之學校電腦教學使用。另有更新SPSS 軟體(SPSS 22),SAS 9.3 TS1M2, Rev.13w18 新版(可支援win 8作業系統),卡巴斯基10防毒軟體,自然輸入法10校園授權等,有關借用方式及下載訊息,敬請點閱校園軟體服務網頁。<詳全文>
NTNU has purchased software licenses for LabVIEW which is available for educational usage within the campus. SPSS, SAS, Kaperskey and New Going IME will also receive software update as well. For more information to access these softwares, please refer to the website.